Are you tired of diet struggle? Do you go through the same regimen year in and year out with diets that do not work? Did you know that we consume way too many carbohydrates and sugar without even thinking about what we are doing? I came across a product a few months ago that has literally changed the way I eat. The average American consumes around 3,600 calories per day according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The Problem with Diet Struggle
The problem with diet struggle is this type of consumption is that it is 1000-1600 calories over the long-time recommendation for people who are sedentary or not very active. When you don’t do much exercise and you eat more than the recommended daily intake you gain weight. This just doesn’t happen overnight, it happens over a time frame.
So you go in search of diets that cause you to lose weight in no time at all. Simply to put it back on when you come off the so-called diet that you have taken on. The problem with this kind of regimen is that sometimes this can lead to more weight gain due to the restrictions that you put on yourself.
Too much of one thing is not good for you. For example, if you eat a certain type of diet all the time your body adjusts to what you are doing. Instead of keeping the weight off you put on more weight. Your body is thinking you are starving so instead of burning the food you consume it turns into fat to store for future use.
So you ask yourself, “What is the best way I can lose weight and keep it off and not have to worry about gaining it back”?
The Solution for Diet Struggle
However, there is a solution to getting rid of that unwanted fat that surrounds your body. Also, keeping it off for good. Wouldn’t you like to know what you are supposed to be eating every day? The foods to make your body function at its highest level without having to slave away in the gym? Have you ever heard of keto friendly eating?
Keto Friendly
Keto friendly eating is really the best way for us to eat. What this involves is eating three meals a day that consists of a protein, good fat, and green vegetable of some sort. When you do this you feel less hungry because your body is not consuming a lot of sugar or carbohydrates. In fact, I lost over 25 pounds in one month following this type regimen. Our ancestors ate this way every day. They were known as the Hunter Gathers of their time. We as a society have gotten away from eating food like and that is what we should go back to doing.
The Answer to Diet Struggle
Have you ever heard of the word ketones? Ketones are what our bodies make every day. The only thing is we don’t make enough to matter. Our bodies survive off of glucose (sugar) and ketones. Ketones are the body’s natural way to burn fat. Remember I said that I come across a way to get rid of the diet struggle? Well just so happens that there is a way that I can consume food that I like. Also, without having to worry about gaining any weight back. I do this by consuming a packet of Keto OS Chocolate Swirl twice a day. In addition to that, I eat 3 keto friendly meals.
What it is Keto OS?
Keto OS is an exogenous ketone that is made by a company called Pruvit. When you consume one packet of the Keto OS in a glass of water or your favorite beverage you put your body into a state of ketosis in less than one hour. So start your day with a packet of Keto OS Chocolate Swirl in the morning and a packet in the afternoon. You will be surprised at the energy you get. Plus, the amount of focus that you will have because that is what consuming this little packet will do for you. Not to mention you watch in dismay as the weight seems to melt away!!
In conclusion, the great thing about heart-healthy living is celebrating your accomplishments with a heart-healthy red wine from your very own wine club. Enjoy your wine over the Holidays!!!