As we are into our first week of the New Year we all have new choices to make. In one of my daily devotionals, I came across this and it caught my attention. I thought that I would share it with everyone here. Life is full of choices, both good and bad. Take, for example, the Israelites back in the days of Moses when he had led them out of the land of Egypt. The Israelites were grateful to be out of bondage from Pharoah and Egypt.
Israelite’s Choices
40 Years of Wandering in the Wilderness The Promise Land
However, they had a choice to make as they started a new era of their lives of freedom from Egypt. They were about to enter into the Promise Land that God had promised to them. The only thing that was holding them back was the choice they were going to make. Anyone who knows the story of what happens next knows that they chose to not believe in God. Their choice proved to be detrimental to them for 40 years. The same can be said for us.
Choices Every Day in America
The Choice We Make
God’s Blessing God’s Discipline
The choice that we make each day should not be about what house or car we are going to buy. Whether or not we are going to get married or divorced or what food we are going to eat. The choice we should be making each day is whether we are going to receive God’s blessing or discipline? When we choose to allow God to lead our lives we receive His blessings. When we choose to not listen to God we receive his discipline just like the Israelites did when they rebelled against God. This may be hard for some to understand, but it is the truth. When the Israelites chose to not believe God they faced His discipline for 40 years.
We all have a choice to make each day. The choice we make will determine the outcome of what happens to us. We can choose to have a relationship with our Creator and love Him or we can face His discipline. Life is much more enjoyable when we are being led rather than trying to figure out life.